With the pandemic taking quite a toll on India, there’s no shortage of organizations trying to help.
I thought I’d share a couple we’re donating to.
Vidya & Child: We continue to support the education of underprivileged children by contributing to their School Program. With this donation, we are supporting a year of education of 50 children studying at the Vatika Center, Sector 128, Shahpur Village, Noida.
SOS Children’s Village: We are supporting the Family Like Care Program by sponsoring a year of livelihood for 15 children who have been severely impacted by the pandemic. These children lost their parents to Covid and have been brought under the care of SOS Children’s Villages of India by the Child Welfare Committee for long-term care.
As I said, they’re just two of many doing incredible work. I’d love to hear of any organizations you’re supporting. (Shoot me a note at sjain@eightfold.ai)