AI-powered Talent Intelligence Platform™


Optimizing Your Talent Supply Chain: Using Talent Intelligence to Close Skills Gaps and Strengthen Your Business

Optimizing Your Talent Supply Chain: Using Talent Intelligence to Close Skills Gaps and Strengthen Your Business

Long-standing HR processes are being challenged as companies are focusing more on sustainable talent strategies for growth, including hiring for potential and creating an effective, adaptable, and diverse workforce.

HR professionals are primed to be key change agents for their organizations, but the current systems alone are not equipped to support a high-tech, informed talent strategy. 

This paper highlights the opportunity for companies to find, hire, develop, upskill, and retain a skilled workforce with a Talent Supply Chain strategy powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore how a resilient talent supply chain can help organizations match talent demands, guided by real-time intelligence on talent, emergent skills, and jobs
  • How Talent Intelligence platforms, like Eightfold AI, can support skill-centric, future-oriented strategies, and deliver actionable insights to inform and improve the Talent Supply Chain process
  • How aligning business strategies with people operations and high visibility into skills can unlock human potential, improve internal mobility, and increase overall efficiency and satisfaction

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