A Guide to Deep-Learning AI

A guide to deep-learning AI

All AI-powered talent intelligence platforms are not created the same. Here is what you need to know.

A guide to deep-learning AI


There are many claims about AI driving talent intelligence in HR platforms, but only deep-learning AI can do what a modern workforce needs regarding talent intelligence.

True deep-learning AI does the manual, time-consuming part of the hiring and promotion process for talent professionals, sorting through immense amounts of data and surfacing only the best candidates based on their skills and potential — not what they’ve done in the past, four-year degrees, or other aspects that lead to bias.

Read our breakdown of deep-learning AI and how it can help any talent program improve its pipeline with stronger candidates with the skills to get the work done.

Find in this guide:

  • The differences among AI, machine learning, and deep learning — and why it matters in a talent intelligence platform.
  • How deep-learning AI powers and informs a talent platform to do more, including identifying talent with the skills and capabilities to fill a role and highlighting the skills you need for the future.
  • How deep-learning AI can improve DEI practices by reducing unconscious bias and surfacing candidates with the skills you need to do the job.

The benefits of AI for HR

  • AI is the broadest term for classifying programs that can sense, reason, act, and adapt.
  • Machine learning is a subset of AI in which algorithms improve their performance as they are exposed to more data over time.
  • Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in which multilayered neural networks learn from vast amounts of data.

1. Deep-learning AI does the time-consuming work for you.

Approximately 80 to 90 percent of any organization’s data is unstructured, raw information in many formats that isn’t “clean” or ready for analysis, and it’s tough to store and manage in a static database. The digital transformation spurred by the pandemic has only accelerated this transformation, and there’s no going back. That’s where deep-learning AI comes in—to sift through the unstructured datasets and surface the most helpful insights.

A true deep-learning AI talent intelligence platform uses neural networks to identify critical information about the entire talent ecosystem, including the best candidates for the job, learning pathways for employees to upskill, and which contingent workers should be redeployed to new projects. A true AI-driven talent intelligence platform will automate the most time-consuming and tedious aspects of any HR or recruiter job, so the best parts of the job—connecting with and helping people reach their true potential—are left to the talent leaders.

Other benefits:

  • Removes or reduces menial, time-consuming tasks like resume searching and screening, surfacing the most qualified candidates.
  • Automates repetitive tasks in the recruiting process to provide a more reliable, consistent candidate experience.
  • Surfaces undiscovered talent for roles they might excel in and giving talent leaders even more visibility into their workforces.
  • Helps talent leaders meet and exceed goals more efficiently and cementing their status as critical contributors to an organization’s overall goals.

2. Apply an AI-powered talent intelligence platform to your enterprise system.

An advanced AI-powered talent intelligence platform applied to your enterprise system should reveal a comprehensive understanding of your workforce’s capabilities, but also every person’s abilities, skills, and potential to learn for the role.

The overall breadth, scope, and quality of the global dataset captured with a talent intelligence platform matters. Those millions—even billions—of data points are what powers the platform. When you are pulling from larger, more inclusive sources, this helps ensure that the dataset is providing the most accurate recommendations about jobs, candidates, careers, and skills at scale for any type of work anywhere in the world.

Other benefits:

  • Helps you better understand your company, answering questions like “What skills do I need to achieve my business goals?”
  • Enables you to adopt a more equitable approach, including what skills people are capable of learning quickly, and easily determine the health of your talent pipeline across the entire organization.
  • Allows you to better understand your market, including what skills competitors have and which ones you need.

3. Improve diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Deep-learning AI for HR illuminates where great candidates might be dropping off in the funnel, encouraging best practices for DEI, and inviting more diverse candidates into the talent pipeline.

This is done by:

  • Masking personal information like names, locations, schools that traditionally trigger unconscious bias about individuals on the basis of their gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or disability status.
  • Quickly finding and surfacing the best candidates based on skills, capabilities, and potential for the recruiter to engage, leveling the playing field for all candidates.
  • Helping remove limitations and potential bias in resume review, job description writing, and interviews.

There are many claims about AI driving talent intelligence in HR platforms, but only deep-learning AI can do what a modern workforce needs regarding talent intelligence.

True deep-learning AI does the manual, time-consuming part of the hiring and promotion process for talent professionals, sorting through immense amounts of data and surfacing only the best candidates based on their skills and potential — not what they’ve done in the past, four-year degrees, or other aspects that lead to bias.

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