
Contextual AI

Eightfold Co-CEO & Co-Founder Ashutosh Garg talks to Josh Bersin about the importance of ensuring that AI uses only the most relevant and important data.

Contextual AI

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Our Co-CEO & Co-Founder Ashutosh Garg talks to Josh Bersin about the importance of ensuring that AI uses only the most relevant and important data.

My assessment is that you guys are at least one generation ahead, maybe two generations ahead, of most of the technology in the market that’s trying to do this. And I think it’s because of your AI background. And I think it’s because of the problem you’re trying to solve, the depth of the problem. And just the way you guys have been thinking about the problem for a long time.

When you think about skills, Another thing we think a lot about is the skill context. What is the context in which you’re talking about this skill? The other thing which has worked out well for us, and important for this industry is from day one, we were all about diversity, how did we reduce the bias? And one of the conjectures that we have had going from day one was anything that is not relevant for the job should not be part of the resume.

So you just ignore information that’s not relevant.

For the job, right? And a simple thing was that your name is not relevant. Your age is not relevant. Your gender is not relevant. Your race is not relevant. Your ethnicity is not relevant. In fact, it does not even matter whether you work at Google versus Facebook versus Microsoft. What is truly relevant is your skills. And your learnability. So it almost came out of thinking about like ‘what is relevant for the job?’ and focus on that.

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