
Doing more with less: Creating an agile and adaptive talent acquisition strategy

As companies adjust to our new market environment, talent acquisition leaders face renewed pressure to do more with less. In this webinar, we’ll explore strategies for how talent acquisition can be successful during times of economic uncertainty.

Doing more with less: Creating an agile and adaptive talent acquisition strategy

As companies adjust to our new market environment, talent acquisition leaders face renewed pressure to do more with less. These sudden changes are becoming increasingly the norm for leaders, who must navigate this yo-yo-ing between hiring sprees and slowdowns. Despite this uncertainty, HR leaders know they need to prioritize filling critical positions essential for success while staying committed to their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) objectives.

In this webinar, we’ll explore strategies for how talent acquisition can be successful during times of economic uncertainty, including:

  • How to identify critical roles and prioritize them when resources are limited
  • Creative ways to attract and retain top talent in a competitive and ever-changing job market
  • How to ensure that your hiring process is inclusive and equitable

Watch this interactive session as we share best practices and insights for tackling talent acquisition challenges and opportunities.

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