
Transforming to a future-ready workforce: Why skills intelligence is the key to success

One of the biggest challenges for HR leaders today is preparing a future-ready workforce. Learn why skills intelligence is key to success.

Transforming to a future-ready workforce: Why skills intelligence is the key to success

One of the biggest challenges for HR leaders today is preparing a future-ready workforce. Talent leaders are facing challenges on all fronts: talent shortages as companies compete for the same skills, attrition as employees expect more for their career development, and growing costs to retain talent. In addition, digital trends and the demand for a consumer-grade employee experience are driving the need for HR leaders to create an employee-centric culture. For digital transformations to be successful, companies need skill intelligence to build a digital-savvy workforce, quickly.

Join this webinar to learn how the talent marketplace can make this happen.

Key takeaways: 

  • How skills intelligence is critical to build your future-ready workforce
  • The people, policy, and process changes required to bring talent and opportunities together
  • The constraints and challenges experienced/foreseen in implementing this transformation

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