The CHRO’s guide to AI in HR

The CHRO’s guide to AI in HR

With the right AI-native talent intelligence, CHROs are finding ways to expedite hiring, upskill and reskill employees, and transform their organizations.

The CHRO’s guide to AI in HR


The role of the CHRO has changed, as has the landscape of the working world. AI is being talked about across the C-suite and beyond as a solution to today’s top business challenges.

Prepare your organization to adopt talent intelligence to make better hiring decisions, create personalized career paths for existing employees, and inform data-driving succession planning.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How CHROs can workforce plan using AI-native talent intelligence.
  • What it takes to increase retention while reducing costs across the organization.
  • Why adopting AI early can give you a competitive advantage.

From hiring to upskilling, CHROs are transforming their organizations with AI.

The days of solely managing benefits, payroll, and compliance are long gone. As a CHRO, you’re focused on evolving priorities, like developing effective leaders, acquiring the right talent, and creating positive employee experiences. But to do that, you need the right technology.

While 89% of CEOs say they want their CHROs to play a key role in driving long-term growth, only 29% have the skill sets and connections they need to successfully shape enterprise strategy.

That’s where talent intelligence comes in.

Talent intelligence platforms use deep-learning AI to distill insights from billions of global talent data points to help your HR team make data-driven decisions throughout the entire talent life cycle. With a talent intelligence platform, your HR team can use AI-powered insights to:

  • Identify, hire, and build talent with critical skills to drive innovation and capture market share.
  • Make informed hiring decisions based on skills and potential while improving the candidateexperience.
  • Create personalized learning pathways for employees that are complementary to the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Inform data-driven succession planning based on merit, skills, and potential.
    These capabilities come at a time when talent shortages are ballooning, and AI is disrupting, well,everything. Your organization needs AI to succeed, but to harness its power, you’ll need the right talent.That’s why we created this guide — to help you understand how talent intelligence can help you hire and upskill talent with the skills needed in the age of AI, decreasing turnover while powering innovation.

Top 3 CHRO needs talent intelligence can address:

Workforce planning

Work is changing fast, and CHROs who aren’t prepared will lose any competitive advantage in their industries. Talent intelligence platforms can help you create an agile and flexible workforce by revealing the skills your employees have, rising or falling skills in your industry, and the skills your organization needs. Armed with those insights, your HR team can partner with hiring managers to build, buy, or borrow the right talent to drive success.

Digital skills have a shorter half-life than ever before — some technical skills are down to 2.5 years. Other research predicts that 23% of jobs will change within the next five years, with 44% of workers’ core skills being disrupted.

Increasing retention and reducing costs

As organizations aim to do more with less, losses in productivity from voluntary turnover — and the added strain on remaining employees — only compound existing budget and personnel problems. Turnover doesn’t come cheap either, as the cost of replacing an employee can range from one-half to two times the employee’s annual salary.

“26% of respondents said they plan to quit their jobs in the next 12 months, up from 19% last year.” (

PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2023)

To help increase retention and employee satisfaction, HR and managers can use talent intelligence platforms to improve the employee experience through:

  • Career planning: Talent intelligence platforms can connect employees with relevant opportunities — projects, courses, mentors, or jobs — within your organization and help them create customized career plans.
  • Internal mobility: Talent intelligence platforms can look at skills adjacencies and learnability to surface relevant internal opportunities for employees and help recruiters quickly discover internal candidates for open roles.
  • Succession planning: With talent intelligence, organizations can see everyone’s role readiness based on their skills — not their connections — giving managers deeper insights into qualified successors.

Employees want to learn viable and valuable AI skills, with the World Economic Forum reporting that 57% of employees want their company to provide AI training. A modern, AI-powered employee experience retains employees and benefits your organization, as hiring a new worker can cost seven times that of upskilling an employee.

Powering a competitive edge

Organizations can be sluggish when adopting new technology — HR is no exception. But waiting until others in your industry have proven the effectiveness of certain technologies carries a hefty price tag.

According to McKinsey, organizations that have strong innovation cultures extract more value from their tech investments. They’re more likely to move ahead with strategic technology investments to help them secure future growth.





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