8 tips for a great Talent Intelligence Platform adoption

8 tips for a great Talent Intelligence Platform adoption

2 min read

We talked to our customers who’ve adopted the Talent Intelligence Platform and asked them what worked best. Here’s what they said.

A leader should kick it off. You need a champion who is excited about your new Talent Intelligence Platform and will talk about the benefit for everyone. We recommend that your COE and/or CHRO attend the project kickoff meeting to set the stage and talk about their excitement. They should send out the first email communication at “go live” to encourage people to embrace the platform.

Teach the basics of AI. Ensure that everyone is on board and understands how AI works. Machine learning by definition gets better over time as it learns your business. The more people understand how it works, they more they will understand why, or why not, something is a match for them.

Your business needs drive the rollout. If you are doing a global rollout, for example, you may want to do a time-zone based approach or a language-based approach. Also, review the size of the business areas and which are most likely to be a success as a first rollout and spark excitement from others.

Personalize. Craft the message for all stakeholders up front. Explain why this is beneficial and exciting for them! Each stakeholder needs to feel cared for and that their success is important. Use Teams or Slack channels, or short videos from super users or leaders. Dedicate office hours so people can drop in with questions or for updates.

Ask, “What’s in it for them?” We have best practices and messages we can tailor for you to help your employees on the benefit of the Career Hub for them. For example, by updating a profile, people can be seen across the organization. They can see what else is out there, what skills they have, and recommendations to grow their skills for career progression. And, it’s not just jobs, but they can find mentors as well as projects.

Help us help you with Project Marketplace. We can recommend best practices as to the best number of projects per manager. We also offer best-practice training around projects, such as the best number of hours weekly.

To help with adoption, have some senior people or leaders set up projects. Team members will want to work with a leader! This will help get traction.

Recognize super users. Show how their profile can be raised with the company. Consider gamification.


Contact us at Eightfold if you’d like to talk more about what works best with adoption.


Photo by Hakon Grimstad on Unsplash

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