
Building a flexible, agile, and skills-aligned workforce

Dan Schawbel and Eightfold Sania Khan discuss how a skills-aligned workforce can help organizations achieve business goals.

Building a flexible, agile, and skills-aligned workforce

Dan Schawbel is a New York Times bestselling author and Managing Partner of Workplace Intelligence, an award-winning thought leadership and research agency focused on the world of work.

In this exclusive video, Schawbel interviews our Chief Economist, Sania Khan, on how skills shortages and demographic shifts have defined a new social contract. They discuss why building talent agility and resilience in today’s workplace culture is more important than ever — and how AI can help.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • Why talent intelligence helps organizations stay agile and flexible so leaders can successfully navigate business challenges.
  • How a pay-for-skills strategy can address skills shortages and talent gaps.
  • Ways to hire in a skills-based organization – and the pitfalls to avoid.
  • How talent leaders can identify the skills they need to ensure success and longevity in their markets.

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