How experienced workers can strengthen your talent pool in a shrinking labor market

Discover how experienced workers (55+) present a practical and profitable solution to a growing labor shortage and how to integrate this demographic into your workforce effectively.

A whole wave of baby boomers is preparing to retire, and this exodus could leave a skills chasm that leads to a global labor shortage. For years, organizations have clung to outdated biases against older workers when recruiting. But now, necessity is kicking ageism to the curb, pushing businesses to reevaluate hiring strategies and perceptions regarding this essential part of modern workforces.

In this insights report, we explore how experienced workers present a practical and profitable solution to the impending labor shortage, and how HR leaders can effectively incorporate these workers into their talent strategies.

Read our latest insights report to learn:

  • Common myths and misperceptions about workers over 55
  • Key advantages of hiring experienced workers and their pivotal role in bridging the shrinking labor supply
  • 5 steps to harness the power of experience for organizational growth and performance

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