
Skill-based AI

Eightfold Co-CEO & Co-Founder Ashutosh Garg talks to Josh Bersin about the evolution of skills and its potential impact on hiring and internal mobility.

Skill-based AI

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A discussion of the evolution of skills and its potential impact on hiring and internal mobility.

All of a sudden, there seem to be dozens of companies that are trying to analyze skills. tell us just a tiny bit about what you do to analyze skills that’s unique.

Six and a half years back, when we started the company, everyone was like, why AI? Second question was, what is a skill? How do you guys define this? Is it a skill, is it a capability? Is it some other key word or artifact, right? And what we did from day one, we were like, let’s understand what people have done, with the primary purpose first of understanding what they can do next. So, it was less about what you have done, what you are saying in your resume, and a very simple analysis walking through the details right is, we look at what skills this person has in year one, what skills this person has in year two, and what skills what this person has in year three. Using that to understand what skills in year one reflected in the skills of year two, reflected in skills of year three, so this way when a company is trying to hire this person, or trying to promote internal mobility, they can say that okay, this person has had these skills to date, what it means about this person’s skill next year, so it has always been about skill learnability and future skills and skills potential.

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