Powered by global talent data sets so you can realize the full potential of your workforce.
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We believe in helping everyone see their full potential — and the career opportunities that come with that view.
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We’re headed to Las Vegas for HR Tech, and we’re ready to show you how to put your most important asset — your talent — front and center in everything you’re doing.
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Powered by Eightfold AI, the new HR Career Navigator can help you remap your career path to pursue new roles, gain new skills, and connect with mentors.
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Devs enjoyed some security during the COVID-19, but the pandemic impact on software developers appears likely to continue into 2021.
In a rapidly progressing field, here’s a primer for HR executives on the five key things all CHROs should know about artificial intelligence.
In the last 20 years, technology has forced companies to reimagine nearly every aspect of how they do business. Our challenge now is to reimagine work itself.
Want to launch a vibrant employer brand but don’t know where to start? Add these 20 employer branding experts to your feed to help.
For international companies, recruitment and hiring can be challenging. Data-driven global talent intelligence is necessary to navigate those challenges.
Make the most of your career and your organization’s HR efforts by following leading CHROs and top HR execs in Silicon Valley.
If you are a veteran looking for work, or if you know someone who is, these 10 veteran employment resources will be useful in a job search.
Understand the role of AI for human resources, talent, and workforce management.
The process of managing temporary, contract, interim, seasonal, and other contingent workers is highly inefficient. AI can change this.
Give your employees the tools to upskill and grow. See how AI can improve internal mobility, succession planning, and retention.